
and I quote…

“We have success!  Dave took some ceiling tiles down in the laundry room and we turned the heat way up.  Next thing we know, the water is running.  We called Tony back and he advised us to keep the water running for a while.  We’ll keep the heat up for a while too.

Thanks for your help.”


and I replied…

“I think I am in love with Dave!”

more moments…

I hear it’s cold where you live!! I just had a message from my tenants that there’s no water in the house… aka a frozen pipe I guess. My neighbour who has a plumbing business will head over this afternoon to help them out. “He doesnt think he can do much!” is not what I wanted to hear, but it is hard to be helpful sitting here in AZ! They sound calm. That’s a good thing!

I have fully unpacked after my move… and have found no socks!! Hmmm!

I was at the post office yesterday, chatting with a woman in front of me who was there to report that her son had not received the Christmas money order she had sent him at his prison. She was just so unphased to be telling me.

George dug the paper towels out of the toilet here… no more gurgles!

I was so careful… the top step at my trailer had spaces between the boards. I covered it up with mats, thinking it would not be fun to have the key drop down there. I managed to keep that from happening, but on the second last day , dropped my very special pen down the one space that could accommodate it. John, the maintenance chief, came by, and used his Stanley measuring tape (with a magnetic end) to haul it back up. I was so impressed. “Are we not good??” said he.

I had duck confit with hash and a poached egg on top… for breakfast. You will either be impressed or not be able to imagine ordering that. I kind of felt the same way. But it was delicious!

January 5

Good Morning

You will likely want to know that it’s cold enough here to frost up my windshield. I’m seasoned now; I remember my shock when that happened last year! And yes I did bring a scraper!

DSCN1330Back in this photo friendly neighbourhood. There are a lot of houses for sale this year.DSCN1339This guy is sitting at the new trolley station across the street from me. That project was in high messiness last year; this year the trolley line is finished from here to the old part of the city. U of A was built ‘way out here’ originally to keep the students away from regular Tucson folks. Now they want the students to live downtown and to be able to commute to the entertainment downtown. They are building big student residences down there. Big controversy about the costs involved in the LRT of course. Sounds familiar, KW!

Moving went quite well, but I kind of fell apart when I got here. Not much is unpacked. Been feeling really awful! Living in pj’s. Hey Tucson… remember you are supposed to be my oasis!! A little discouraged, but the joy part is that I have been able to stroll, snooze, read and knit in the warm rays of the sun.

This lovely house has taken a bit of a beating over the past year… I think it’s partly because Beth has lost interest. She will sell the house after I leave. It has been rented out a lot too. I arrived last year to gleam and sparkle! This year I had to clean everything at least once! Anyhow it now feels like my house again. There’s an alarming new gurgle that accompanies my showers! I told Beth. Her reaction. “I will talk to George”, after a few dammits! Since there are no basements in AZ, my little mind envisions waking up some morning with the house behaving like a ship, rockingly afloat in its version of exploded pipes!! Not my problem tho. That’s what I like!


ps…I did have a great new New Year’s Eve. I went to a  party with Mary of coffee fame. Her neighbour is the drummer in Bad News Blues Band. The party was at his house. And the band has him, double bass, two saxophones, a trombone and a guitar. Everybody sings lead. They performed in the living room. I didnt give up my chair the whole evening, well except to dance a bit!!


Got the moving job done today. Remind me not to do this again… I solemnly promise to pick a place to live and stay there!! It went smoothly but sheesh, a lot of work! It does feel good to be back at Norris. And oh my gosh I am missing my buddy Bradley here! Just remembering how much he loved it here, and all his little rituals!

Details about the end of 2013 later…..

I count my blessings on New Years Eve in Tucson AZ. What a wonderful life I’m having! A promise to myself and to you…. ‘I will strive to act with kindness, integrity, compassion, and gratitude towards all living beings.’ (Stole that from my little buddy Colleen. She’s a keeper!)